2010年6月18日 星期五

Butterflies in Hong Kong

Hong kong gives anyone who has never been there before an impression as a metropolitan with high rise office skyscrapers, shopping malls, restaurants, cafeterias and bars everywhere. But not so many tourists realized there are more than that. The parks and countryside actually covered more than 40% of the territory. There is a wide variety of wild animals, plants and insects in the countryside.

When I was hiking one day, I stumbled into a high peak where I could find at least seven species of butterflies all in one place high up in the mountain where very few people have ever been to.

It's such a joy to venture into a remote and uninhabited peak and saw there were only birds and insects flying around you. The encountered turned out to be a photo album with a collection of butterflies. Though their life are short, these little creatures not only live life to the fullest, they also help the proliferation of plants into a distance. Without insects like the butterflies, many plants would become extinct by now and we won't be able to see beautiful flowers everywhere. Ever wonder why they are so many species and colors of flowers and butterflies? I always think of flowers and butterflies are among the masterpieces of fine arts of nature. They are nature's way to please our eyes. So enjoy the pictures of nature’s fine art!

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