2010年6月16日 星期三

Globalization is another virtual ‘Tower of Babel’.

Globalization is another virtual ‘Tower of Babel.

It aims to let the whole world share the same ideas and notions. However, it neglects the huge differences between people in terms of cultures, religions and beliefs. The result is a more schism and chaotic world you see today.

Globalization is like throwing a huge stone on one’s own foot.

Export and trade increases between nations. However the exports of technology and innovative products from the advanced nations will be copied by the developing countries. Sooner or later, Industrial countries will no longer have any technology advantage. This is what is happening now. Look at what is happening to the economy of the west, the unemployment rate in the US and the economy crisis in the EU countries.

Globalization is destined to fail.

It spreads disaster such as the Lehman Brothers’ losses all over the world. The consequence is, the whole world no longer follow or look up on to US as leader.

Thus she’s losing the status of world leader to emerging nations.

Globalization causes high unemployment in the industrialize countries whereas high unemployment is one of catalyst to insecurity and unrest within a country. Look at what is happening to countries of PIGS.

Globalization is shortsighted. The visions of CEOs of those MNCs aims to reduce production cost so that people can continue to buy products at a cheap price. However, CEOs discounted the factors that when their countrymen can no longer afford a job, fancy features from the slightly improved products will no longer be the reason people consider when buying a product. Necessity is the key in times of recession. But how many of these new products you see at stores are really indispensable? How many companies are as innovative as APPLE?

Globalization helps the emerging country and bring forth the ideology of the west to people of the emerging countries.

It’s quite the opposite. When conflicts turned bitter, all their efforts will be in vain. Propaganda and patriotism overrides anything else.

Globalization in directly worsen the contamination of environment in other countriest.

When the high populated third world countries quickly industrialized, the by-product is environment pollution. Remember shortly after the Lehman incident when factories were closed down and fewer people traveled by air. Our skies are clearer and less polluted those days.

Globalization will create more conflicts

The intention of Globalization is to bring people all over the world under one roof. However, people due to their religious belief, culture and ethnicity, the closer they are, the more conflicts they will have.

Globalization will accelerate the competition among nations, the race will get as far as technology can be all the way to the outer space.

When advanced nations have lost their edge of competitive advantage because globalization brings the distance between nations closer, they have to take competition to another arena. However all the advancements in science and technology will eventually turn out to be part of the military weaponry. When the best fighter jets and ballistic missiles can no longer guarantee a nation her superior power over others, the race will accelerate to outer space.

Globalization will lead to world war III

When one nation developed a new technology or weapon, another nation will have it sooner or later because information is no longer secret. The more advanced and more mass destructive weapon nations have, the closer the human race to WWIII.

